Did you know that on the shelves of most retailers, you can find pet jerkies and treats that can not only make your pets horribly ill but can kill them? Sadly, it's true. Most vets and pet owners don't even know about this situation. Though word is leaking out, it's slowly leaking out - and that's just not good enough if you ask me. ?Of the known cases, 360 dogs have died and 2200 others are currently very ill from eating pet treats made in or with ingredients outsourced from China. And those are just the cases that are known about. There are no doubt countless thousands of other cases were pets have become sick and in many cases died and the owners do not know why.
Please take a moment to see what is the treats that your pets are eating. If they're from China, dump them. If they're made by Waggin' Train, Canyon Creek Ranch or Milo's Kitchen, then dump them. You may be saying, "They have to be safe! The government wouldn't let them be on shelves if they weren't." Unfortunately, that's not true. Most of you can probably remember news stories about people and pets dying from tainted foods that have come from China. There was a reason that this happened and it's because inspections and laws are not nearly strict enough. And in the case of these treats, the FDA does know about them but as they have not been able to specifically identify the ingredient or ingredients that is harming pets, they can not issue a recall. And quite honestly, they're not trying hard enough to. One manufacturing plant even refused to let them come in to inspect and still, their products are being shipped around the world for consumption by beloved pets.
Please take the time to watch this informative news story about why these treats are still on shelves:
If you or someone that you know are feeding your pets treats, please google "dangerous pet treats" and view the news stories in both video and written format. The word has simply got to get out. Thousands of pet owners have lost their pets and have seen them suffering in horrible pain and will never realize that it was from the jerkies and treats that they were giving to them out of nothing more than love.
Besides the news links, you can learn a lot more on this Facebook page:
And if you are feeding your pets a treat or jerky and can not tell if it was made in China or if it includes ingredients from China, the resources there can be very helpful in discerning the truth. Just click on the tabs on that top of that page for resources. And if you're in doubt, just post and ask. People are always glad to help there.?
If you'd like to sign the petition to help get these treats and jerkies pulled, please click here.?This is not a lie nor is it propaganda. It's a very sad truth. Please learn what is in your pet treats and pet foods. We're the first line of defense in keeping our pets with us for long, happy lives. The focus is in a large part on chicken treats to a good extent, but experts are recommending that we do not feed our pets ANY food or treat products made in China - or with ingredients outsourced from China.
To date, there are also pet foods and treats that have caused adverse reactions and deaths that are not from China. Please check out the website Truth About Pet Food here. By using the tools on the left hand side, you can look up your pet's food and see if there have been any complaints on their site. You can also join their email list and they will send you notifications of any reports or recalls.?
Thanks y'all.
Until next time,
x's and o's,?
Source: http://ranchdressingwithearthakitsch.blogspot.com/2012/09/hidden-danger-for-your-pets.html
Suzanne Barr Clint Eastwood speech Maria Montessori clint eastwood Julian Castro Chris Lighty Blue Moon August 2012
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